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Cody Bramlett – Supplement Millionaire Blueprint

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Cody Bramlett – Supplement Millionaire Blueprint

For the first time, Cody Bramlett, the owner behind BioHarmony — one of the fastest-growing supplements of all time — reveals his money-making secrets…

“Copy And Paste” My Entire $41,789,473 Supplement Business With This 4-Step Blueprint

“Very few people understand the supplement business like Cody Bramlett. I watched first hand as he scaled one of his brands to over $15MM in a single year, during a freakin’ Pandemic.

That alone is impressive, but what really stands out to me is his holistic grasp of every piece of the puzzle. Copy, traffic, funnels, inventory, merchant processing, email marketing, you name it. Cody can provide the blueprint for how to do it because he’s ALREADY been there.

The big reason why was because Cody has built such a plug-and-play blueprint in his supplement business, and this is something that almost anyone can model off of as well!”

Dear friend,
The new online supplement gold rush is here.
Everywhere you look, affiliate managers, copywriters, media buyers, even complete newbies are starting a supplement business…
But for reasons I’ll explain in a moment, the supplement profits we’ve seen are just the start of what’s to come.
And if you’d like to ride the supplement wave and create the business, life, and financial freedom you deserve faster than you thought possible…
Today, I’ll walk you through every step of making it happen.
From the traffic strategies… the partners… the suppliers… even the merchant processors and taxes…
And how you can avoid every costly mistake I’ve ever made (including one that cost me $860,000 in a single day).
After selling over $41 million worth of supplements, I can confidently say I’ve cracked the supplement millionaire code.
And for the first time ever, I’m going to pull back the curtain for you and reveal it all.
I’ve distilled over 7 years of success in the supplement business into…
A proven, repeatable, dependable 4-step blueprint that anyone can plug-and-play to build their own 8-figure supplement company from scratch, faster than they ever thought possible.


It doesn’t matter if you’re a copywriter, affiliate manager, business owner, or just someone interested in building an online business…
Or if you have zero experience online, or if english isn’t your first language.
Because as I’ll show you below, anyone can copy and paste this 4-step blueprint to build their own wildly-profitable online supplement business in record time.
I designed it that way.
• You don’t need a ton of capital to get started


• You don’t need to formulate a product or find a supplier (I’ve done that for you)


• You don’t even need to spend a single cent on your inventory to start selling and turning a profit


• You don’t need to know how to write copy, emails or sales letters


• You don’t need to buy traffic or play russian roulette with youtube, facebook and native ads

• You don’t need to design sales pages or VSLs

I’ve used this EXACT blueprint to scale FIVE supplement offers to over $41 Million…
All in less than 6 years…

(I even scaled one in the middle of the pandemic)


And I’m still using it today.
In fact, as you read this, I’m gearing up to launch a brand new supplement line in Q3 of 2021 to build on top of the success of the The BioHarmony Switch… which I grew to $16 million in a single year, during the pandemic.
It’s one of the most talked about, ripped off, and copied supplement offers on the internet right now…
And the only reason I was able to do that without running out of inventory… being overloaded with customer support… fraud issues… or a million other problems going wrong…
Is because I have a blueprint that allowed me to systematically scale with ZERO hiccups.
A 4-step blueprint that cost me millions of dollars in mistakes to uncover…
And today, I’m giving you this exact blueprint.
Along with…
• Supplement business 101. Start to finish, everything you need to know about starting a successful supplement business in minutes… how the industry really works… where to get high quality products for no money down… and an inside look at building an 8-figure supplement business from scratch. Regardless if you’re a complete beginner or an online marketing verteran, in less than 20 minutes, you’ll have everything you need to start and grow a successful online supplement business.


• The kindergarten-simple software you need to hook up to all your funnels to STOP thieves from defrauding you and your business.


• The #1 company you should be using for fulfillment and formula creation. They will add an extra 20-40% to your bottom line overnight. The best part? Almost nobody knows about them.


• How to properly set up your supplement business to instantly cut your taxes in half and keep your money out of uncle Sam’s greedy pockets. Careful: this one could make your accountant feel dumb!


• The sneaky secret to making 30% more money from your email list every time you hit “send”. Crazy simple. Completely legal. Doesn’t affect deliverability. And you can set it up in less than 24 hours.


• The quickest way to get whale affiliates to promote your supplement and drive 1000’s of buyers everyday (even if you’re a complete newbie and don’t know anyone).

• Plus: access to my supplement rolodex of affiliates, lawyers, accountants, and supplement suppliers. Everyone you need to know to scale to 8-figures and beyond faster than ever, including…

Stefan Georgi breaking down hard-hitting, emotional copywriting secrets that have made millions… Amber Spears revealing her 9-figure affiliate secrets… Max Fata showing how to design hard-hitting VSLs…

And much, much more.

So look, if you’ve ever dreamed of having a real supplement business, being your own boss, and making more money than your wildest dreams…

You’re going to want to read every word on this page…

Because I can guarantee that the people who read this letter, take action, and follow the simple, A-Z supplement blueprint… will put themselves on the path to becoming millionaires.

Introducing the Supplement Millionaire Blueprint

This is the ONLY video course that breaks down my 4 step blueprint in a logical and easy to understand way…
So that you can build a multi-million dollar supplement business online, faster than you ever thought possible.
And unlike other guru’s, I actively use every step of this blueprint in all my current supplement businesses, and the new ones I’m launching…
Which means you’ll always have the most tested and up to date blueprint to copy and paste and build your own multi million dollar behemoth.
Now this course is organized into 4 distinct modules, which are meant to be enjoyed in bite sized chunks – either by you or your team.
Just jump to any section or module about what YOU want to know, for your specific situation…
And in less than 15 minutes, you’ll have the answers you need.
It’s that simple.
In fact, you can even send specific modules to different team members based on their role, for a truly done-for-you experience.
And it all starts with module 1…

• MODULE 1: Setup: How To Save An Extra $250,000 Before You Launch

• MODULE 2: Sell – The Secret Sauce To My $41M Empire And Most Importantly: Plug And Play Templates So You Can Build Your Own Empire

• MODULE 3: Systematize – My foolproof plan to building a high performing virtual team that runs the business for you

• MODULE 4: Scale – Step By Step How I Scaled My Empire Beyond 41M And How You Can Do The Same…


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