Nadine Rohner – Business Accelerator

Original price was: $1,400.00.Current price is: $23.00.

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Nadine Rohner – Business Accelerator

Nadine Rohner Business Accelerator a 12-week course for female entrepreneurs ready to grow and scale their online businesses. Are you a coach or consultant, or do you offer done-for-you services (e.g. social media marketing, graphic design, web design, online yoga courses, etc.)? This is for you!

Does this sound like you?

  • You are passionate about what you do, and your clients love your services; now, you are craving the tangible systems, strategies and structure to market your business online and create clients with ease & grace.
  • You have played in the world of organic social media marketing and got clients through Instagram or Facebook groups but your launches, but it’s starting to feel exhausting.
  • You feel like you have to be constantly on stories, creating reels, posting on your feed, launching without having breaks, and if you do have a break, you feel guilty.
  • You are tired of working IN your business and want to start working ON your business.
  • You haven’t tried paid marketing strategies (Facebook or Pinterest ads) or did try it once or twice, but you didn’t see those massive results other people were talking about
  • The word sales funnel triggers instant chills, and scammy internet marketers come to mind and cough the word ethics!
  • If all the social media tools were gone by tomorrow, you wouldn’t have a business anymore Yikes

What if…

  • You could create a predictable CLIENT-generating system that does the work for you.
  • You could take time off your computer and phone knowing your business is still running & generating potential clients.
  • You wouldn’t have to worry about where your next client is coming from because you have a system that works for you!
  • You were able to help more people and provide unforgettable results while being in your zone of genius.
  • You wouldn’t have to create new content (stories, posts etc.) every day yet still get your clients nurtured with valuable information showing your expertise.
  • You have a growing email list with your ideal clients who are eager to open all your emails.

I am here to show you how!

Hi, I am Nadine; I worked for over five years as a freelance social media marketer before transforming my done-for-you services into a coaching and consulting business.

I have successfully launched my programs and scaled my business to six figures ONLY with organic social media marketing! It seemed so easy at first, followed by the struggle street. 

After two years, I had exhausted my audience on Instagram. I was so focused on serving my current clients and launching my coaching program that I hadn’t been focusing on attracting NEW clients.

I felt burnt out! Constantly having to be on stories, I was running a free Facebook group which, on the outside, looked successful but didn’t bring in any paying clients. Yes, people loved my free content, but I was hustling hard.

It was time to implement systems and an automated lead generation system. It sounded yuck to me, and I had massive PTSD from running Facebook Ads, which didn’t seem to work for me.

Then I learned that funnels can be mindful and don’t have to be sleazy and all salesy, where client satisfaction was still the main focus. So I befriended Facebook & Instagram Ads.

Within a few months, I grew my list to 15k people, aka my potential clients, and have since taught others how to do the same.

Let me introduce you to The Business AcceleratorIn the Business Accelerator, we cover:

  • A perfect blend of education, support, and accountability.
  •  Creating & redefining your offers to scale.
  • Messaging & email marketing.
  • Funnels &systems.
  • Paid marketing.


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