Pat Flynn – Heroic Online Courses

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Pat Flynn – Heroic Online Courses

Welcome to Heroic Online Courses

Create A Course That Converts And Unlock The Next Level Of Your Business


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How courses became the SPI business model

Creating and selling online courses does not have to be complicated or time-consuming.”

I had the idea to create my first online course in 2016. I had previously taken several online courses (some useful, some not so much), and I knew I had valuable knowledge that could help others, and then…

I backed down.

I was afraid that no one would buy my course and it would be a total waste of time. I was worried that no one would get anything out of it and that it would make me look bad. I was afraid it wouldn’t be as good as some of the other courses teaching similar topics that already existed.

I backed up every time I tried to start.

Fortunately, at the end of 2017, a mentor pushed me to launch finally, and in retrospect, I only wish she had made me sooner.

It wasn’t a huge launch to begin with, but it was the push I needed to keep going. Fast forward to today, I’ve created and launched over ten online courses that have earned about $4.5m dollars:


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Heroic Online Courses have become the focal point of SPI’s business model, and I believe that everyone should have at least one online course to teach something. It has the potential to transform your life as well as the lives of your students.

My team and I have developed an incredible system for creating and launching these courses over time, and because I want everyone to avoid overwhelm and succeed with building online courses, I have combined our step-by-step creation process and launch strategies into a single course for you.

Heroic Online Courses Are Now Available

Heroic because understanding that your students are the hero of the story is required to make online courses work.

You are resolving their problems and guiding them through a transformation.


You are their savior.

And once you’ve helped someone become the hero of their own story, everyone wants to know who helped them get there.

The big secret is that no one wants to buy an online course. People are drawn to the transformation that your course provides: the promise of the other side.

So, what are the benefits of Heroic Online Courses?

You’ll have an online course that you can be proud of and that you can confidently launch on your own.

You are the hero of this journey, and I am your guide.


The journey of your hero is about to begin.

Inside Heroic Online Courses, you will take the following path:


Module 1: Identify Your Niche

We’ll make sure you’re targeting the right kind of person for your course, whether you already have a niche in mind (and whether you already have an audience).

How will we accomplish this? We need to delve a little deeper into the minds of your target audience. It may appear complicated, but it is not. After just a couple of 10-minute lessons, you’ll be well on your way to success right away.

In the end, you’ll have your course title, tagline, and an idea of who your course is intended for.

Module 2: Make an Outline

This is where we collaborate to create your course material in a way that ensures your students’ success.

The trick is to make the course efficient rather than overwhelming. This requires knowing what to include and exclude, which can be difficult. Don’t worry; I’ll walk you through the steps so you know exactly what to include and in what order.

In the end, you’ll have a complete outline of your course.


Module 3: Creating a Sales Page

Yes, I assist you with marketing as well, and it begins with exercises related to developing your sales page.

We go over the content of your course sales pages, such as what you’re offering, how you’re pricing it, and everything else you need on the page to convert sales.

Working through this process now, rather than as an afterthought at the end of course production, allows you to identify if there are any lessons your students would like that you have overlooked in your outline. Working through it piece by piece (headline, offer, price, testimonials, etc.) at this stage ensures that you actually make progress and finish it.

Finally, you will have created your sales page.


Module 4: Create a Production and Launch Strategy

A launch strategy is similar to a diet in that there are numerous approaches that work for different people. I’ll go over a few different options for launching your course and developing a strategy with you.

There are strategies for where your company is now. Are you starting from the ground up, even if you have no audience? There is a plan for you. Do you have a large email list and want to throw a big launch? There are options for you.

Finally, you’ll have a course launch strategy that works for you.


Module 5: Getting the Right Mindset Before Entering the Arena

To make this work, you must first overcome the most difficult challenge of all: your own mindset.

Trust me, I had my fair share of negative thoughts about my courses while creating and launching them—every single one of them—however, we’ll be confronting these fears head-on so that you don’t waste the incredible work you’ve done up to this point, and you can launch with confidence and poise!

Finally, you’ll learn what you need to know to stay on track and confidently launch your course.

Module 6: Filming and Creating Your Course

Caleb, my videographer, and I collaborated to finalize this section of the course so that anyone on any budget can film and record a course that works.

So, no, you do not need a large production studio or a film crew (although we do talk about that). But you can certainly use what you have on hand to film something of quality that gets the job done and complements the content you’ll be creating.

I’ll also make sure you know exactly what to expect when it comes to uploading videos and creating actual coursework for your students. It can be frightening at first, but you can look over your shoulder and see someone do it right in front of you.

Finally, you’ll have a set of techniques you can use to create your course materials in a way that fits your budget.


Learn The Basics Of Teachable

Pat Flynn Heroic Online Courses


SPI’s preferred course hosting platform is Teachable. It’s simple to use and provides access to powerful tools that can help boost your sales, which is why we’re demonstrating it in this course. You are not required to use Teachable to complete this course, but it is who we recommend. (It’s also the platform on which this course is hosted.)



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