Duston Mcgroarty – 2K a Day website

Original price was: $997.00.Current price is: $31.99.

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Duston Mcgroarty – 2K a Day website



What’s this Duston Mcgroarty 2K Day Website all about?

  • In a word, it’s about FREEDOM. Freedom to do as you please.
  • Work when you want. Where you want. For whoever you want.
  • To write your paycheck.
  • To live life on your terms.
  • Come and go as you please.
  • Take vacations on a whim.
  • Pay cash for a brand-new ride.
  • Pay off your house.
  • Buy a second house.
  • Buy a beach house.
  • Donate to charity.
  • Do whatever you want.
  • You deserve it.
  • And you’ll be helping desperate people who need your help.
  • You’ll feel good about what you’re doing.
  • Excited to wake up each morning.
  • You’ll see life in a whole new way.

Do they appear out of reach for you?

  • I get it. I struggle with self-confidence daily too.
  • It isn’t perfect.
  • I’m here to help you get through it.
  • Every step of the way.
  • You see, I’ve already been where you’re at right now.
  • I know the struggle is real. I’ve experienced it first-hand.
  • Now I’m offering you a shortcut.
  • What took me YEARS to accomplish can literally happen for you in a matter of a few short days.
  • It began generating MORE THAN $2K/DAY in affiliate commissions.
  • On 100% complete autopilot.

Here’s a screenshot of the affiliate commissions generated by this website in ONE DAY (August 23, 2022):

Screenshot from my affiliate network dashboard showing earnings from August 23, 2022.

  • And here’s how much I spent on traffic that day:
  • Screenshot from my traffic dashboard showing daily spending for August 23, 2022.
  • A few things to note from the traffic dashboard screenshot:
  • 1. I’m not promoting the traffic network’s built-in offers, so it shows $0.00 in the ‘Payout’ box.
  • 2. The ‘Conversions’ box shows how many email sign-up conversions I had that day, not how many sales conversions I had. The affiliate dashboard shows the correct number of sales conversions. Anyhoo. Needless to say.
  • I’m happy with the results from my $2K/Day Website.
  • The best part is.
  • The setup took me a few hours, and I last touched it a while ago!
  • Can you believe that?!
  • I set up this ENTIRE $2K/Day Website.
  • In just a few hours and.
  • I haven’t touched ANYTHING since the day I set it up!
  • It’s such a simple little website.
  • I could easily teach my 12-year-old son how to set it up!
  • The entire website is only 4 simple little pages.
  • Here’s a preview of the website outline you’ll receive when you enrol:
  • Preview of my $2K/Day Website outline.
  • And if that seems overwhelming to you, don’t worry; it’s actually very simple once you understand what it all means, lol!
  • I promise I’ll explain everything, every single step, in thorough detail so you can understand just how simple it is.
  • AND.
  • You don’t need any fancy, expensive page-building software, either!
  • I built this entire site as a plain old static HTML website.
  • Yep, I’m talking “static-HTML-style” straight out of 1994 lol!
  • But guess what. It FRICKIN’ WORKS. So who cares what it looks like?! Right?
  • Remember, all that matters at the end of the day is whether or not it accomplishes the task at hand.
  • And my $2K/Day Website does just that.

I’m sure you’ve realized by now.

You’re probably curious.

What are the associated costs?

The costs are classified into three categories:

1. Tools/software ($146/month maximum)—A domain name, web hosting, an email autoresponder, and tracking software are all required to run an internet-based business.

2. Traffic ($600/month minimum)— You can get traffic from any source. Still, there is one specific source I HIGHLY recommend for quality US traffic with very low CPCs ($0.05/click or less). Another cool feature of this traffic source is that you can buy as much or as little as you want. With a daily minimum of $20, You can also “pause” buying traffic for a week or two, or as many weeks as you want, with no negative consequences to your online business.

3. Website Investment (Confidential)—The website investment will be provided upon program acceptance. Because you’ve arrived at this page, you can receive a copy of my $2K/Day Website, BUT. For obvious market saturation reasons, I’m only making limited copies available.

What’s funny is that I was researching the average cost of purchasing various franchise businesses. HOLY SMOKES, are they expensive?!

Look at some of the franchise fees I discovered for some popular restaurants.

Franchises: franchises:

Subway: $15,000

Chick-fil-A: $10,000

Burger King: $50,000

$50K for a frickin’ Burger King?!

Like, what the heck, man?!!!

You guessed it. People who pay those franchise fees will be lucky if they ever make more than $100,000 per year from a single location.

I’m not saying this to belittle anyone. Absolutely not.

I’m only comparing them to this internet business because the difference between the initial investment and the earning potential is so much greater.


What do I get?

What you DON’T get is a better question. Seriously!

Everything you require will be provided by me. From start to finish, your entire internet business.

You’ll receive a copy of my $2K/Day Website, which has been PROVEN to generate hundreds, if not thousands, of leads per day from this one specific niche.

You’ll receive my entire email follow-up sequence, written by ME and designed to convert any unconverted leads on your email list.

You’ll have exclusive access to my underground traffic source, where you can literally buy an ENDLESS amount of highly-targeted clicks at reduced CPCs.

You’ll receive my hand-picked shortlist of high-converting products to promote, ensuring that you convert as many clicks as possible into cash.

You’ll get my detailed video training on how to set up your internet business, email autoresponder, traffic campaign, and more. Everything you need will be documented on video for you to follow along with.

Finally, and perhaps most importantly, you understand ME. I’m determined to do everything I can to make this as simple as possible for YOU. Access to me is unrestricted and one-on-one. I’ll even set up your WHOLE internet business. Which is INCREDIBLE!! That is how much I want you to succeed in this.

Duston, what’s the catch?

It’s a math problem.

This offer is available to my entire email list, which currently has 2,532 ENGAGED subscribers.

Many subscribers have bought several of my previous training, and some have bought every single training I’ve ever released. I have a small but highly loyal fan base.

As you might expect, I’ll be inundated with applications for this new program.

And therein lies the issue. I am just one person. There are only so many hours in the day. The truth is that I only have so much time each day that I WANT to work.

For these reasons, I’m keeping this group small, and I’m only making a limited number of copies of my $2K/Day Website available so that everyone has plenty of one-on-one time.

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