ConversionWise – The Ultimate Conversion Rate Optimisation Course

Original price was: $1,597.00.Current price is: $37.00.

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Welcome to The Ultimate Conversion Rate Optimisation Course

Using Oliver Kenyon’s ConversionWise – The Ultimate Conversion Rate Optimisation Course, this online course will teach you how to skyrocket your conversion rates and make more money.


Download The Ultimate Conversion Rate Optimisation Course Download



If you’re like the majority of marketers, you’re probably wondering, “How Can I Increase My Conversions?”


More specifically, you might be thinking…

  • I don’t know why my visitors aren’t buying… I’m not sure where to look or find out why my visitors are not taking the desired action.
  • I don’t have any technical knowledge… I’m overwhelmed by the different platforms and technology required to get started
  • ​I don’t know how to use design software… I can’t even put two colors together let alone make something that looks trustworthy
  • I don’t have a massive budget… I’m afraid it’ll cost too much to pay a designer and developer, with no guaranteed results.
  • ​I don’t have enough time… between running the day-to-day business and my personal life I don’t have the time to figure it out.
  • I’m unsure how to show true value… of my offering and get visitors excited to buy

But you’re not alone; everyone faces these difficulties when attempting to improve their conversion rates.

What if there was a simple way to boost your conversion rates and get more bang for your buck?

To be successful, you don’t need to be a world-class designer, have a degree in consumer psychology, have deep pockets, or even learn how to use new software.


Don’t keep trying to create high-converting pages in the same old, broken way.

We’ve devised a new, simpler, and far more profitable method. Introducing…

The Ultimate Conversion Rate Optimization Training Program

The Ultimate Conversion Rate Optimisation Course


The new, smart method for increasing conversion rates

  • Gain LIFETIME access to the easy-to-follow, step-by-step Conversion Design Course
  • Implement the conversion design principles in real-time, regardless of your chosen platform or level of expertise
  • Collaborate with our conversion design experts to verify and approve your new-found knowledge
  • Launch and create pages that generate ROI on your marketing spend time and time again
  • Rinse and repeat and continue to scale profitably!


In the Conversion Design Course, you’ll learn exactly…

  • How to uncover your prime audience and how to speak to them
  • How to position your offer so that it’s irresistible, in ANY niche
  • The psychological triggers you can leverage to have visitors jumping for your product ​
  • How to guide your visitors through a journey that’ll have them consistently taking action
  • The small tweaks you can make to continually achieve massive ROI on your campaigns
  • and much, much more.



Just A Taste Of What You Can Expect In The Course


Get Started Here

  • Introduction
  • FAQs
  • BONUS: Join the exclusive community
  • BONUS: Your personal audit
  • BONUS: Conversion design checklist


The Basics of Conversion Design

  • Introduction
  • Why your conversion rate is so important
  • Why and when to use a landing page
  • Summary


The Foundation of High Conversions

  • Introduction
  • Determining the goal
  • Creating an undeniable offering
  • Knowing your audience
  • Macro vs micro principles
  • Choosing your platform
  • Psychological principles
  • Summary
  • The Foundation of High Conversions Quiz


The Design Blueprint

  • Introduction
  • How to use colours
  • Highlight your value proposition
  • Keep It Simple Stupid
  • Leverage the AIDA principle
  • FAQs are a must
  • Create trust and credibility
  • Show off social proof
  • Everything call to action
  • Use critical elements above the fold
  • Introducing scarcity
  • Mobile page design
  • The perfect page layout
  • Summary
  • The Design Blueprint Quiz


The Development Blueprint

  • Introduction
  • Optimize for load speed
  • Responsive optimization
  • Cross-browser compatibility
  • Clean, lightweight code
  • Form field types, validation, and verification
  • Fixed CTA on scroll
  • Meta information
  • Little things that make a big difference
  • Summary
  • The Development Blueprint Quiz


The Copywriting Blueprint

  • Introduction
  • Crafting your value proposition
  • Features and Benefits
  • Emotive headlines
  • Summary
  • Conversion-Based Copywriting Quiz


Testing and Optimisation

  • Introduction
  • An overview of optimization testing
  • Getting setup
  • Analyzing data and generating a hypothesis
  • Testing and Optimisation Quiz



  • BONUS: How to build the perfect sales page
  • BONUS: Don’t make these obvious mistakes
  • BONUS: Pre-made drag and drop swipe files
  • BONUS: High converting landing page wireframes
  • BONUS: 10 Quick win conversion boosting principles
  • BONUS: Glossary
  • AUDIT: Let’s Explore
  • AUDIT: Mobile Cake Moulds
  • AUDIT: InvisionApp


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