Aidan Booth & Steve Clayton – 123 Profit

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Aidan Booth & Steve Clayton – 123 Profit



The conversion rates are OFF THE CHARTS.

123 Profit We touched on this briefly earlier, but one of the major differences is that you convert A LOT more people than you would with traditional affiliate marketing. For example, suppose you were promoting a golf ebook that converted at 3% and paid you $15 in commissions per sale. You make 3 sales x $15 = $45 for every 100 clicks. You could use this system to promote a weight loss offer with a 20% conversion rate and a $50 commission per conversion. You make 20 sales x $50 = $1000 for the same 100 clicks. There is a significant difference between $45 and $1000.


To begin, you use a highly effective source of low-cost traffic to reach people specifically looking for the offers you are promoting. When scaling up, you use secret traffic sources (both paid and free) that deliver immediate traction and conversions.


If you’ve ever done affiliate marketing, one of the drawbacks is that you have to create a lot of content. You know what I mean… In-depth product reviews, comparisons, and other similar tasks can be time-consuming (or) costly to outsource. This model requires very little written content… Only a few words, if any, and, most of the time, NONE.

You are building a VALUABLE ASSET.

One of the major benefits is that while you are generating leads for other businesses, you are also capturing their information (quite legitimately). This not only allows you to follow up with them, sell them other offers, and increase your income… It also implies that you are building YOUR OWN list and, as a result, creating a real business with potentially enormous value that can be sold for a lump sum later.

You could get very RAPID RESULTS.

There is no creation of digital content here. You can target an offer, launch your landing page, and begin driving traffic in as little as 60 minutes… possibly even less. This means you could start seeing results very quickly.


You can continue to work your day job or current online business because this system requires very little time to set up and as little as 5 to 10 hours per week to run, depending on how quickly you want to get started (if you want to). You don’t have to change your life or give up anything.

The 123 Profit Training Program reveals how we generate thousands of dollars per day and how those willing to take action can use the same system to go from ZERO… to $500/day… to $1000/day (and beyond)…

Then continue to scale up from there!

Let’s go over the EIGHT components of the 123 Profit training to see how it all fits together and how YOU can benefit from this incredible system…

“Mission Control”… your dedicated, private members area… is the first component of the 123 Profit training.

The member’s area contains a series of 100+ clear and concise step-by-step videos that will show you exactly how to get this system up and running, even if you have no prior experience.

The actual value of what you’ll receive here is enormous, and I could spend hours going over all of the specifics… But for the time being, here’s a high-level overview…

The videos cover each step of the process in great detail, and we’ll also provide you with a slew of strategy manuals, process maps, and other resources to help you learn as you watch and learn.

We cover everything… from getting started to choosing offers to build your web pages to getting traffic…then how to make your first sales and scale up to 4 to 5, even 6 figures per month.

I and my team of experts, all of whom have successful businesses in this field, will deliver the training directly…

It will be completely comprehensive.

Along with these videos, your Mission Control area will have recordings of the live sessions, we’ll be doing (more on that later…).

…and you’ll also have access to all of the software, tools, and support features from here.

This is literally just the tip of the iceberg in terms of what you will receive from Mission Control.

The training you will receive will be of the highest caliber.

We’ve taught tens of thousands of people how to build successful online businesses over the last decade, and one of the key predictors of success is having direct access to myself and my team… In other words, if they can ask us questions at critical stages of their online empire’s development.

It is critical to be able to chat and communicate with us directly… That is why, as you progress through the training, we will hold MULTIPLE LIVE SESSIONS EVERY WEEK so you can move forward and build your business as quickly as possible.

Here are some more precise details and a taste of how this will work…

To begin, we will hold a live webinar each week to present the core step that is the focus of that particular week. It will be extremely detailed, and we will provide you with action steps, milestones, and checkpoints to ensure your success.

If you have any questions, there will be an extensive Q&A session at the end of this webinar… However, keep in mind that if you require further clarification, you can always refer back to the core videos in your Mission Control area – and use our support network.

In addition to the live webinar, we will hold MULTIPLE live Zoom calls each week with live interaction and chat. If you get stuck, you can jump on and ask us questions, and we’ll do our best to give you detailed analysis and advice on what to do and how to move forward.

Furthermore, these Zoom calls will include additional training, powerful and inspiring case studies, and much more.

All of these live sessions will be held at various times, so you will be able to participate no matter where you are in the world. … And as previously stated, the recordings will be uploaded to your Mission Control area shortly after the session concludes.

Essentially, you’ll get a MASSIVE boost by leveraging our experience, expertise, and infrastructure using the same systems and techniques WE use to generate thousands of dollars daily in our own business.

This is where things get really exciting!

As you may know, having a real-life case study to refer to as you build your business is extremely useful (to say the least), and we are about to hand you something that we KNOW will accelerate your business’s success at lightning speed.

You’ll get access to a case-study document (along with an additional video series) that explains EXACTLY how we generated $50,681 in just 50 days using this incredible system.

And when I say exactly… I mean it.

EVERYTHING will be revealed, leaving no stone unturned.

And do you want to know what the most exciting part is…?

You can access the DOCUMENT section of the case study in less than 60 seconds.

That’s correct…

You will see the secret document right in front of you as soon as you join us today, register your account, and log into your Mission Control area…

EVERYTHING is revealed on the inside.

The video series that will accompany this document will be released as the training progresses, but you WILL receive all of the insider information right away… RIGHT NOW, for example.

To put it another way, if you’ve ever wanted a peek inside a million-dollar online business… This is basically the best it gets!


We discussed the Profit Suite a few minutes ago, so instead of going over everything again, let’s quickly summarise each of the three main components.

THE MASTER LIST comes first…

This is our vault of high-paying offers, to which you will have exclusive access if you join our inner circle today.

To summarise, you’ll…

Get instant access to top offers with automatic approval…

Avoid all of the usual hassles when applying for a network account…

And get a significant head start right away!

And then there’s the PROFIT PHANTOM…

The Phantom is the “engine” that quietly sets up and runs your business behind the scenes… and will allow you to build your business at a breakneck pace, even if you’re just getting started.

Profit Phantom will enable you to…

Construct high-converting landing pages and opt-in forms to convert traffic into profits.

Increase the number of people who act on the offers you send them dramatically.

Create stunning pages without any coding or technical knowledge.

Drag and drop elements such as headlines, text content, images, customizable CTA buttons, and drop-down lists into your pages.

Use our done-for-you templates to speed up the process and eliminate all guesswork.

Upload and easily manage your images and graphics in your personal content library.

Manage your company using an intuitive dashboard and reporting area.

Use our free custom publishing solution… or upload your pages to your domain.

Finally, there’s THE MAIL MACHINE…

My team created The Mail Machine, an all-in-one email marketing system, from the ground up, specifically for this business model. Here’s what you can do with this revolutionary toolkit…

The main dashboard provides a detailed overview of your key metrics, such as growth rates, broadcasts, auto-emails sent out, and send stats.

The broadcast builder will give you access to pre-formatted emails that you can customize.

An intelligent visual drag-and-drop campaign builder will allow you to create automated email campaigns.

You’ll be able to quickly create high-converting forms that capture vital subscriber information, allowing you to convert your visitors into money.

You’ll also get access to a vault of done-for-you “fill-in-the-blanks” email templates that we use in our business, saving you a tonne of time (or thousands of dollars in copywriting fees).

And you’ll be able to create high-profit funnels quickly and easily WITHOUT having to write any sales copy.

This section of 123 Profit is all about Done-For-You templates, files, pages, and content designed to achieve one goal… increasing the speed with which you can succeed with this system!

We’ll give you access to our private content repository and let you copy the EXACT frameworks we use in our business, saving you a TON of time.

Furthermore, you’ll have peace of mind knowing that the content you’re using is PROVEN to work and will be extremely effective at increasing your profits.

Here are some “high-level” details…

To begin, we’ll give you access to a vault of done-for-you “fill-in-the-blanks” email templates we use in our business.

These multi-niche email templates will allow you to quickly and easily build high-converting funnels and significantly increase your income.

This will save you hundreds of hours of work (or thousands of dollars in copywriting fees)…

and you’ll be able to load them up and get them ready to go with just a few clicks.

Then, as previously mentioned, you will have access to a large number of DONE-FOR-YOU landing pages that have been proven to generate massive amounts of leads and sales.

…and that’s just the beginning. On the inside, you’ll find ALL THE DETAILS.

This section of 123 Profit is solely dedicated to one thing…

Million-dollar traffic and marketing strategies will help you scale your business.

Scaling up can be difficult at times, but we’ll give you our foolproof plan for super-boosting conversions and quickly reeling in extra commissions.

In a nutshell, we’ll reveal all of our internal scaling secrets to help propel your business forward.

Here’s how…

We’ll give you step-by-step action plans that could have you earning hundreds of dollars more per day in no time.

We’ll show you how to use the major search engines to get your offers listed for the most profitable keywords WHILE NOT DOING ANY SEO.

You’ll learn how to use other ultra-targeted traffic sources to connect with specific groups of people who are looking for the offers you’re promoting.

In addition, we’ll show you how to create simple but highly effective sales funnels with high-converting landing pages and retargeting strategies to easily double or triple your sales.

And that’s just the beginning. By the end of this training section, you’ll realize how simple it is to get more traffic, customers, and cash if you get motivated, get started, and take action!

That’s correct… As an inner-circle member, you will also receive a FREE all-access pass to “123 LIVE!…our annual online live event that will take place over an entire weekend” (dates announced soon).

We anticipate this live event will be a huge success (as it has in previous years) and will help propel your company forward.

You’ll get two days of exclusive live sessions filled with insider tactics, secrets for tripling your profits, great case studies, inspiring success stories, and much more!

You’ll hear from… at the event.

A slew of expert speakers (some of whom earn up to $10 million per year) discusses how they got to where they are today and the methods they used to get there.

Industry experts will share the daily techniques and methods they use to generate tens of thousands of dollars in commissions each month.

Successful BETA students who used our training to overcome common roadblocks and obstacles and go on to build life-changing online businesses.

You will also receive…

Tips and tricks from sales and conversion experts who will show you how to generate more leads and commissions regardless of the type of offers you promote…

Proven strategies for dramatically increasing website traffic that you can apply to any business or venture…

Actionable growth strategies that you can implement as soon as the event is over…

…and there’s a lot more! Insiders will be informed of the full details and the line-up inside the Mission Control area.

So, before we start, let’s go over a few key points…

This is a proven, streamlined earning machine that only involves 3 core steps.

You don’t have to sell anything to anybody.

The profit potential is HUGE (you’ve seen the insane conversion rates).

The websites are SIMPLE and contain as little as 27 words.

There are no barriers to entry or complicated technical hurdles to overcome.

The profit margins are high, so you make great money for each conversion.

You don’t need to talk to people (suppliers, wholesalers, customers, etc.)

You will build a REAL business that you could sell for a lump sum.


And MOST IMPORTANTLY, this could give you…

An additional source of income to provide you with financial security, so you never have to worry about money, bills, or price tags again…

A secure retirement (so you can enjoy your golden years to the fullest)…

Living the laptop lifestyle, being your own boss, and working from home…

Allow you to assist others more often. Children, parents, siblings, friends, and others.

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