Tim Stremos, Brian Willie – Chat Crew

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Tim Stremos, Brian Willie – Chat Crew


What’s included in the Chat Crew course?

What does the Chat Crew course include?

Zoom calls, some scripts, and ManyChat sequences over five days. Most ManyChat arrangements need to be rebuilt because they don’t function. That’s encouraging that the zoom call replay links continue to work.

I would generally advise against the Chat Crew course. It is not a stand-alone program and is insufficient. Only if you pay for the $5,000/m coaching will you see results.
The advantages are clear:

Once you know how the building is simple.
You don’t need a website or landing page.
No publishing on social media is necessary.
No need to create logos.
You’re not required to use programs like ClickFunnels.
Moreover, Messenger pre-fills their information (making it easy on them and accurate for the local biz owner).

Tim Stamos and Brian Willie.

Get you out of the mudhole, client-getters, and creators of the one product that sells like hotcakes locally with the help of local marketers.
really scheduled appointments.

Yes, scheduled appointments, not leads.
You saw the video we made. I certainly hope you did!
What did you do again?
For our local clients, we put up systems to produce hundreds of scheduled appointments, which we then sell for $60–80 each. Sometimes $125 to $150 per unit.
Our price?
$25 on average, occasionally as little as $2!
The best thing, though?
Our customers pay for our advertising since we receive sizable retainers up front.
We never stake our cash on their advertisements.
Simply because that would be absurd.

Some of our clients require 120 scheduled sessions EVERY WEEK.
Crazy, huh?
Profit from that would amount to $3600 every week.
This applies to you if

You struggle to persuade clients to accept your proposals (hint: this makes them drool and run after you), and you’re weary of dragging it out with SEO. You’ve also attempted standard sponsored ads but were unable to get results.
To find out if this is a good fit for you, go back and schedule a call with our experts.

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