Ben Adkins – Coffee Money Masterclass

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Coffee Money Masterclass – Ben Adkins

Coffee Money Masterclass

Coffee Money Masterclass – Ready to work full time from your favourite coffee shop or your house?

Learn the powerful system that you can use to build your own 100k per year High Level, Content Repurposing Agency.

What You Will Learn

Week 1: How to get clients that are looking for you

  • Part 1: How to Find the Clients that are Looking for you now

Watch over Dr Ben Adkin’s shoulder as he shows you the exact process that he’s using to find new clients every single week. You’ll get an in-depth understanding of why this nearly untapped niche of people is wide open for the high ticket repurposing service and learn how you can find and contact them with your offer (in a cool way) starting this week.

  • Part 2: The Money from a Distance Email Campaign.

Get the full email campaign that Ben is using to reach out to cold online business owners and turn them into monthly recurring clients. You’ll get the exact word-for-word template as well as see an example of it in use in the real world.

  • Part 3: Dr Ben Adkins’ Coffee Close Script

You’ll learn the exact closing technique that Ben uses to sign up clients for his special repurposing service. You’ll see the exact psychology that is used to get the clients to close themselves during the brief 15- 20 minute meeting (we only use this when we don’t close via email).

Week 2: How to become an elite content repurpose

  • Part 4: The stepladder content breakdown system

This is one of the most valuable skills you can have as an online entrepreneur. In this section, you’ll learn how to break down anyone’s content creation process so that you can easily repurpose their content intelligently. Once you know how this works, you’ll be able to add value to anyone’s online business (and get high ticket prices because they see that you “understand them”.)

  • Part 5: How to create pristine assets for your clients

You’ll learn exactly how to create blog content, option bait, enticing video and audio teasers, animated infographics, and static graphics that will build up your clients brand. You’ll see exactly how to format these for Instagram, Facebook, and any other social network that you want to work with. Most importantly, you’ll learn the process to create these assets fast, while maintaining high quality.

  • Part 6: The silver platter delivery technique

How you deliver your work to tour clients matters (even though this is something most service providers overlook). You’ll learn exactly how to organize, present, and deliver your work so that your clients are impressed month after month (this is a big part of keeping your clients happy).

Week 3: How to scale up to 100k/year fast

  • Part 7: How to get to 10 clients in 12 months (without stress)

You’ll learn exactly what you need to do to get to 10 clients (paying you $2k+ each month) in the next 12 months. You’ll master the cold email system, as well as how you can give your business a quick boost by using a few special techniques. You’ll learn Dr Ben’s “Fast Clients from Small Events” technique, his “Facebook Live Clients” method, as well as see his “Client Grabber Facebook Ad” Campaign.

  • Part 8: How to outsource all of the work (the Dream Scenario)

Once you get up and running, you’re going to want to start hiring out some of the works so that you can enjoy the fruits of your labor. The secret is being able to hire out the work and maintain the quality that you’ve established. In this section, you’ll learn exactly where to find great talent and how to train them to provide amazing work for your clients (and how not to overspend on this).

  • Part 9: Elite Agency Business Mechanics

In this section, you’ll learn how to legally setup your repurposing business, how to make sure that you’re getting paid every month automatically, and how to make your entire business comes off more professionally than your competitors. In this final section, you’ll master what takes most business years of trial and error to lock in.

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