Brett Kitchen and Ethan Kap – P2 Virtual Selling Accelerator

Original price was: $1,497.00.Current price is: $39.00.

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Brett Kitchen and Ethan Kap – P2 Virtual Selling Accelerator


P2 Virtual Selling Accelerator by Brett Kitchen and Ethan Kap

This 5-day crash course aims to make you proficient in virtual selling. It covers everything from the psychology of selling to handling objections, technology, and even policy delivery. The course is divided into several modules, each designed to focus on a different aspect of virtual selling.


  • Module 1: The Presuppositional Playbook Psychology: Focuses on the psychology of selling, emphasizing the need for the prospect to push for the sale. Techniques to engage the prospect more deeply than in face-to-face interactions are covered.
  • Module 2: The Objection Exterminator: Teaches you how to handle objections effectively, including a scripted objection eliminator for tackling every objection that may come your way.
  • Module 3: Mastering “the Setup” and Your 2nd Appointment: Ensures your prospects are excited and eager for the second appointment. Covers what to discuss and what to avoid during this crucial meeting.
  • Module 4: Getting Them to Sign on the (Virtual) Line that Is Dotted: Focuses on closing the sale effectively, discussing the steps to take post-application and after approval to ensure the sale is finalized.
  • Module 5: Virtual Technology Made Easy: Designed to make technology easy for you, covering the best screen-sharing apps, how to set up your office for video conferencing, and other tech-related aspects.

Bonus Module:

  • Unlimited Facebook Annuity Lead Flow: Focuses on lead generation through Facebook, providing the exact process used to generate dozens to hundreds of targeted Facebook leads and appointments every month.

The course also comes with several bonuses, including email templates and live first-appointment examples, to ensure you hit the ground running in the world of virtual sales.

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