Matt Brunton – Core Design Skills

Original price was: $495.00.Current price is: $29.00.

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Matt Brunton – Core Design Skills

Matt Brunton – Core Design Skills

Introducing Matt Brunton’s Core Design Skills Course: A Comprehensive Guide to Mastering the Art of Design.

Are you ready to elevate your design skills to the next level? Matt Brunton’s Core Design Skills course is here to help you transform your creative abilities and become a professional designer

This course covers the essential skills required to create stunning, impactful designs that leave your audience in awe. 

With a focus on hands-on learning, this course will take you on a journey through the core principles of design, from layout creation to color selection, typography, imagery, and more.

Course Modules:

Creating Unique Layouts: Discover the 9 essential principles that will guide you in crafting captivating, visually engaging layouts for all your projects. Learn the techniques to create mesmerizing designs that stand out from the crowd.

Picking Colors that Create Emotion: Dive into the world of color theory and learn how to select colors that evoke the desired emotions strategically. Master the art of composing functional and aesthetically pleasing color palettes, and learn how to apply these colors effectively within your designs.

Using Type to Create Impact: Typography is a crucial aspect of design that sets professional designers apart from the rest. This module covers everything you need to know about working with type, including sourcing and selecting fonts, pairing them effectively, and mastering the art of typographic design.

Making Your Images Stand Out: Unleash the power of imagery in your designs by exploring photography, illustration, and texture. Learn how to source, layer, and integrate these elements seamlessly into your projects to create designs with depth and visual interest.

Putting It All Together Creatively: Transform your blank canvas into a stunning design work by learning how to balance all the elements effectively. Develop your design intuition, identify issues within your projects, and conquer white page syndrome with Matt’s 3-step process.

Course Features:

Less Theory, More Action: This course is designed to help you improve your design skills by focusing on what truly matters – designing and receiving feedback. Learn the principles, but more importantly, practice and hone your skills with hands-on exercises.

  • Short Videos Covering Essentials: No more sifting through hours of content. Matt has distilled the most important information into concise video lessons, allowing you to focus on mastering the core design skills.
  • Demos for Practical Application: See how the theory is implemented through real-life demonstrations. This course bridges the gap between theoretical knowledge and real-world application, ensuring that you can effectively implement the skills you learn.
  • Quizzes to Sharpen Your Design Eye: Test your understanding and sharpen your design intuition with quizzes that help reinforce the concepts covered in each module.
  • Actionable Design Exercises: Apply the skills you learn to real projects with design exercises accompanying each lesson. These hands-on tasks are designed to help you practice and refine your abilities, ensuring that you can confidently tackle any design challenge that comes your way.

Matt Brunton’s Core Design Skills course offers an unparalleled learning experience that will help you develop the skills needed to become a professional designer. Whether you’re a beginner looking to break into the design world or an experienced designer looking to sharpen your skills, this course will provide you with the knowledge, tools, and confidence you need to create stunning, impactful designs.

 Enroll now and embark on your journey toward design mastery.

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