Trena Little – Youtube Bootcamp

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Trena Little – Youtube Bootcamp

This Course we are sharing with you is Trena Little – Youtube Bootcamp . This is a premium product and you will get it free here. getwsdo was made to help people like graphic designers, video creators, web developers, freelancers, filmmakers, etc. On our website, you will find lots of premium assets free like Free-course/tutorials, Tutorials and Tech News, Udemy Premium Courses, and Much Much More.

Ready to hop into YouTube land, but are puzzled thinking about what you have to do to get a channel up and running?

You’re a smart boss lady who knows video is the next frontier in marketing: You love the idea of sharing your smarts on video, but that means putting your face out there for the world to see.

It’s not like you’re out to be the next YouTube star … you just wanna grow your email list and position yourself as an expert.

Cameras, lighting, scripts, and editing oh my — you’re ALREADY worried you’re too late to the YouTube game and have too much on your plate right now, by the time you figure all that out with everything else on your plate, holy cow, won’t it be like, 2022?!

Imagine being able to launch your channel with a built-in band of supportive subscribers clicking “like” and commenting on every one of your videos.

In your new life…

Your head hits the pillow at night with a 24/7 salesperson out there growing your email list for you:

With your done-for-you YouTube strategy in hand, your editorial calendar would now include regular video content seamlessly merged with your sales calendar.

See ya, imposter syndrome: You actually know what you’re doing — and have the ROI to prove it.

It’s time to get your cute self on YouTube so you can hire the world’s second-largest search engine as your list building elf.

‘Cause, it’s far from “too late” to hop to it, considering only 8% of small businesses are using YouTube to market their services & products.

Hello, unsaturated frontier!

Because that disappearing Instagram Lives? Well, they aren’t quite gonna leverage that email list like a boss YouTube strategy will.

(Plus, it’s really hard to hold the phone AND talk with your hands when ‘splainin’ something — and you’re a hand-talker, so you need both those guys to teach!)

In a dream world, you’d kick this whole thing off without goose-egg subscribers, a professional channel trailer, and even those cool graphics on the video (how do they do that, anyway … ).

And that, my friend, is why I created a solution …

Introducing Youtube Bootcamp!

The only Youtube program offering in-depth training taught by a woman for women!

A 6-module blueprint to starting up your channel alongside a supportive, cheering community of fellow female entrepreneurs.

I’ve packed my entire YouTube channel strategy in an A-to-Z system — and now? I’m handing it over to you!

This process is the exact method I built my own channel to more than 50,000 views — and it’s precisely how I coach clients on channel build-out, too.

Module 1 // Plan

You’re a planner, aren’t ya? Me too. That’s why in week 1, we focus on drilling down into how video content can merge with the good things you’ve already got going by setting up your channel.

Channel Set-up 101: Business name or personal name? Hide those old videos or keep them up? From ideal subscriber research to basic strategy, we’ll hit the ground running by making sure you get your burning questions answered right out of the gate.
My personal Channel Plan Checklist — from channel banner to thumbnails (and even the fancy watermark that shows while your vid plays), so you’ll know exactly what to whip up in Photoshop or Canva and what your channel standards are..
A YouTube Goal Tracker, so we can walk through how to define success for you.
My secret Where/When/How Method for titling your videos … is essential, and it’s what most entrepreneurs aren’t doing when it comes to YouTube strategy.
Breaking down the mysterious Youtube Algorithm and how you can get your videos ranked

Module 2 // Ideation

Time to start channelling your inner scriptwriter — and writer’s block? Don’t you worry? I’m pulling out all the stops (and templates) to make sure you say just the right things.

Your Video Types Toolbox is my 360-degree guide to discovering exactly what types of teachings you can actually do in a few minutes of video.
3 Best Types of YouTube Content, so you can learn how to build out a calendar of rotating training, ensuring your channel grows right when you launch.
My Keyword Planning Guide, so you know how to get found in YouTube–I’ll show you how to use Google Keyword planner, TubeBuddy, and primary & secondary keywords so they work for your business.
Crafting the perfect video titles for search result rankings with my Video Title Formula

Module 3 // Filming

Awww, yeah. Let’s do this thing! We’ll start getting our hands dirty and seeing what that whole filming thing is all about — curl your hair and put a little lipgloss on: I promise this isn’t as scary as it sounds.

  • 23 Things to Think Through Before You Hit Record so you basically have me over your shoulder making sure you don’t wrap 3 minutes of filming and have to re-do because you forgot something. I got you.
  • My exact Must-Have Script List, the very script templates I use in my own business to guarantee that viewers convert to paying clients … because you’re out to get a return on your time investment in video, after all!
  • The Batching Day Planner, because you have other things to do in your business besides channel your inner Emma Stone, and I’ll make sure you knock this all out in one sitting, so you can move along with your day.
  • Your 4-Video Homework — I’m holding your hand through writing 4 video scripts and filming 4 videos for review in our private community … so you can get feedback on the flicks before you blast them out to your Facebook page or email list!
  • Filming Set-up 101 — everything you’ve ever wondered about background (to move the dog bed, or not??), lighting, and the scoop on teleprompters … plus, equipment you need: no, you don’t have to start plotting for AmazonPrime Black Friday tech deals. This is easier than you think, and you have almost everything you need!


Module 4 // Editing

Scary software? Not here. This is much easier than you dreamed. Pull your yoga pants back on and let’s knock this thing out.

My Audio Syncing techniques and cheat sheets, so you don’t make the mistakes that a lot of new editors make when trying their hand at video clean-up.
Want to add copyright free music? Check! I’ll give you my Music Resources Cheatsheet so you know just where to go to get the goods.
Signature Export Framework, giving you an outline for how to title, tag, and describe your video, so you’re not uploading anything into YouTube that won’t stand out in a search.
What you need to do to promote your video across social media accounts — ‘cause I’m all about working smarter, not harder: you made the content, so let’s leverage it! How to use your videos on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and Pinterest!

Module 5 // Pre-Launch

Time to optimize! We’ll get your channel ready for eyeballs other than just your husband’s and mom’s.

Verification How-to, because we’ll want to position your channel professionally, add social media links, and get you set up with Adsense.
Opt-in Connecting 101 that will get your ready-to-go freebies teed up for the sending: get ready to see your email list numbers go up, even while you’re sleeping.
Ranking Guide, so you never have to worry that only your tribe will ever see your videos … 18-34 year olds are statistically on YouTube more than TV, and we want to make sure that if they’re searching for what you teach, they find YOU.
Cards, Endslates, Transcribing, Oh my! Should you add these to your videos and how to add these in Youtube.

Module 6 // Launch

Ready to put your channel stocked up with videos ready for the watching out in the world? Throw your hands up and say YEAH!

Interaction Guide — so you know exactly what to do when someone comments to play up the YouTube algorithm even more.
Release Strategy 101 because you’ll want to share this properly, and from your newsletter to Facebook groups to Reddit, I’ll hold your hand and tell you how to let people know things are live.
YouTube Pods Training — yup, they’re a thing! Let’s get you ramped up on them, so you can keep growing your subscriber count authentically.

PLUS, you’ll also get instant access to:

30 pages of actionable insight in PDFs, printables, and more
20 video training modules
Our private Facebook community, so you can bounce ideas off fellow creative women launching their first YouTube channel

Businesses which use videos in their marketing enjoy 34% higher conversation rates than those who don’t! – Blue Corona

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