Jon Logar – Consulting Unleashed The Champions Fast Track Program

Original price was: $1,997.00.Current price is: $39.00.

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Jon Logar – Consulting Unleashed The Champions Fast Track Program


Jon Logar – Consulting Unleashed The Champions Fast Track Program


The Consulting Champions Fast Track is an 8-week coaching program that helps people set up a consistent client acquisition process to help them grow a successful consulting or digital marketing business. John Logar, an experienced business coach who has helped entrepreneurs and business owners reach their goals for many years, is in charge of the program.

What You Get in Champions Fast Track course:


  • 8 Week Of Live Group Coaching (2 Work & Action Sessions/week) 

8 weeks of coaching with John Logar.  2 work and action sessions per week for you to implement and work on your strategies in real time with my guidance to keep you on track and engaging prospects.


  • Done-With You Authority Building Process

A posting sequence and indoctrination process to build your authority and make it easier for prospects to accept your invitation to work with them


  • 1 Foot-In-The-Door Offer

I will create a foot in the door offer for you to generate new paying clients


  • Done-With You Direct Outreach Sequence

I’ll craft your outreach campaign to start conversations with prospects and leads


  • Software To Generate 700 Prospects

You’ll have access to software that will generate 700 connections with prospects


  • IMPORTANT: I’ll Give you 100 Targeted Leads In Your Niche.

I’m going to provide you with 200 targeted leads in a niche that you can serve. These leads will include The name of the owner , a verified business email address for the contact and a phone number so you can reach out and follow up with them.


  • Qualifying Script For Prospects

I’m going to help you with a prospect qualifying script to ensure your not spending time on prospects who are qualifed for your offering.


  • BONUS: Champions Fast Track Training Portal + Tools, Pitch Decks & Resources

You’ll Get Access To Exclusive Tool & Resources Including…

– Tested Email Templates – For Direct Outbound Lead Generation

– Example Sales Agreements/Service Contracts

– Sales Training Videos

– Rolodex Of White-Label Partners For Services Fulfillment.

– Proven Email Marketing & Referral Campaigns

– Pitch Decks That Have Closed Millions Of Dollars In Worth Of Clients.

– A Fully Designed Appointment Funnel Template To Book More Sales Appointments

– And So Many More Tools & Resources…


  • BONUS: 6-Part Sales Process Blueprint

As A Bonus, You Will Also Receive Access To My 6-Part Sales Process Blueprint.  This core training has been foundational for getting clear on the 6 parts you need to be effective in establishing and growing a consulting or digital marketing agency.


  • BONUS: Consulting Unleashed Masterclass Part 1 & Part 2

As A Bonus, You Will Also Receive Access To My Masterclass Recordings Part 1 & Part 2 For Advanced High Value Consulting Strategies




Welcome to Consulting Champions Fast Track.

I’m looking for people to work with over the next two months to lay the groundwork for a consistent client acquisition process that will support your ambitions of building a business that will provide you with opportunities that will enable your desire for freedom, meaning, and profit from what you build for yourself.

I enjoy creating things in a live setting. Real-world scenarios are preferable to theoretical ones.

I’d like to work with you over the next two months as I develop real-time learning and implementation strategies to assist you in developing a predictable process for acquiring clients whenever you want.

The end result is straightforward: You will gain clients.

I hope to get you at least $10—$15k extra per month, so we’ll give you everything you need and nothing you don’t.

No ads. There are no funnels. And no technology. Your phone will be your only tool.

We’re going to solve the four most common issues that prevent people from growing their businesses:

Offer, clarity, lead availability, and sales discomfort.

First, let’s clear up any confusion and ambiguity about your offer — where you’re either unsure if the service you provide will truly benefit your clients or concerned that if it goes well, you’ll be bogged down in fulfillment.


Point 1

Delivery Confidence

We’ll begin with a clear core service, ensuring that we understand your avatar / prospective clients and the transformation you create with your ideal future clients. Even though you can provide your services to anyone, we’ll get better results if we focus on a single target market for which you want to be a hero.

Point 2

Offer Design

Following that, we’ll collaborate to create your offer and price. We’ll make it a no-brainer for your prospects, and super profitable for you. We’re aiming for a $2k – $5k offer so that we can meet our $10k – $15k monthly goal with only 3-5 sales per month.



Point 3

Core Service & MVS

We will then design and implement your core service and MVS (minimum viable service)…. So you have a clear path to getting your clients a result — and you can confidently market and sell it, knowing your clients will win and you will love the light delivery model.

The end result? You’ll be completely confident in providing real-world results for your clients without exhausting yourself. This confidence boost will change the way you approach marketing and sales.

The second issue we’ll work on together is…

Leads are scarce.

If you run a marketing or consulting company, it looks like you have three ways to get leads:

  • Pay for expensive ads.
  • Post organic content.
  • Conduct cold email outreach and hope for the best… slowly.

Fortunately, there is a better way, which we will implement next…


Point 4

Daily Prospect Connections

First, we’ll help you connect with 50 ideal prospects every day by using a simple piece of software that finds your ideal future customers and starts conversations with them. These new contacts will form the basis of your new client pool over the next 30-60 and 90 days.

The software is inexpensive, and we’ve arranged for two weeks of free service, so you won’t have to pay a dime for your first 700 connections.

IMPORTANT: I will provide you with 200 targeted prospects who have verified emails and phone numbers, as well as other contact information.

These are business owners with $2 million or more in revenue in a niche you can fill.

Point 5

Self-Filling Pipeline

Using the self-filling pipeline of 15 offer posts that convert friends and connections into prospects, we’ll get your prospects to raise their hands. We’ll copy and paste two of these posts per week to ensure there are always new people to talk with.

Point 6

Engagement to Conversations

Finally, we’ll work on the comments, which is where the magic happens. Conversations lead to conversions, and our sales process begins with turning comments into dialogues to determine if we’re a good fit.

The third and final issue is that if you aren’t a pro, and sales is uncomfortable, or your sales conversions are vastly inconsistent, you should avoid it.

We will not attempt to change you into someone you are not.

We’ll set up a sales process that makes conversions simple.

To be honest, this is where the fun begins.

We’ve taken three of the most effective strategies from Consulting Champions and made them available to you here.

Point 7

Sell by Chat Setup

First, using a simple message script, we’ll use Sell By Chat to convert your comments into booked appointments. Your sales calendar will fill up. It is compatible with Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, and email.

Point 8

Qualifying and Disqualifying

Then we’ll use my qualifying/disqualifying Call process to quickly determine who is and isn’t a good fit for you. We’ll schedule a second meeting with the prospects who are a good fit.

Point 9

5-Step Strategy Session

Finally, we’ll use the simple 5-step strategy session format to enrol new clients in your service on a weekly basis, with no pressure or awkwardness. It’s one of the most incredible things I’ve ever created, and even if you mess up, 60% of the people you speak with will become paying customers.

Every week, this is how you get clients.
Any of these things can have an immediate impact on your business, and my experience has taught me that ONE of these will resonate with you and stand out as the BIG opportunity for you specifically…
So we’ll be able to spend more time with you on that one.

We’ve named this program Champions Fastrack because that’s all we’re concerned with here.

Most consulting firms are a few clients away from earning an extra $10–15k per month, which makes a significant financial difference.

Over the next few months, I’ll be developing this process LIVE… and I only want to work with people who can implement, act, and report on results.

I’m ready to begin right away…

And I’d like to extend an invitation to you to join the Champions Fast Track team.

This is how it will work… Each week, we’ll concentrate on one of the client-acquisition strategies.

Then, as a group, we’ll meet weekly to discuss it and brainstorm specific applications to your business…so you can put it into action and report on your results.

I really want to get some great results for you out of this, so I’ll be spending one-on-one time with you to make sure we get the best results possible.

The more action you take, the more I’ll work with you.

We’ll be collaborating closely, so please make sure you have 2-3 hours per week to devote to this over the next few months.

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