Ben Heath – Facebook Ads Insiders

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Ben Heath – Facebook Ads Insiders

MODULE 1: Preparing For Success

To begin, we laid down some solid groundwork. I demonstrate how to configure everything for success, including Business Manager accounts, Facebook Pixel, Facebook Ads Policies, and so on. I will also show you how to prime your Facebook Page so that you appear credible and reliable to your prospects.


MODULE 2: Facebook Ads Strategy

It is critical to use the right Facebook Ads Strategy. This module describes several new and innovative strategies consistently producing excellent results for our clients and us. I will show you exactly how they work and which method best suits your company and industry.


MODULE 3: Facebook Advertising Campaigns

Facebook Ad campaigns are classified into three types. In this module, I go over the highest level in great detail (the campaign level). Including how to choose the best Campaign Objectives, use Campaign Budget Optimization, and use the appropriate Buying Type for your campaigns.


MODULE 4: Targeting Ad Sets

One of the features that distinguish Facebook advertising as one of the best marketing platforms ever devised is the ability to target your ideal customers specifically. Everything is covered, including how to find winning targeting options, create killer Custom Audiences, Lookalike Audiences, and much more.


MODULE 5: Ad Set Distribution

The majority of Facebook advertisers believe that the ad set is all about targeting. However, delivery can be equally important. In this module, I’ll show you how to make the most of Facebook’s numerous delivery options, such as choosing the right Placement options, Conversion Windows, Ad Delivery Optimization, and more.



Module 6 delves into the crucial Facebook ad. I demonstrate how to create high-converting ads in various formats (including video). And I go over each component of a Facebook ad, so you know exactly what to use for headlines, creative, copy, and so on.


7th Module: Sales Funnels and Retargeting

This module brings it all together. The best campaign settings combine laser-focused targeting, optimal delivery options, and high-converting ad creative. I will also show you how to customize your sales funnel to your industry and business model. This one is great fun!



We spend more time as a Facebook Ads agency analyzing, optimizing, and scaling campaigns than we do creating them. Using data to improve campaigns can triple (or better) their effectiveness. It’s critical to achieving outstanding results, and I’ll walk you through our exact procedure in this module.



The release of iOS 14 has had a significant impact on Facebook advertising. In this bonus module, I’ll show you exactly what you need to do to ensure that your Facebook ad campaigns produce the best results possible after iOS 14. I’ll also be adding content to this module on a regular basis as the changes to Facebook ads are implemented, so you’ll always be up to date.


You will also receive the following Ben Heath Facebook Ads Insiders bonuses.


1st BONUS: Advanced Strategies

Have you come across the Instagram Profile Method? It’s extremely effective for certain product and service offerings. In this advanced strategy bonus module, I show you how to convert your Instagram profile into cutting-edge sales material and then implement finely tuned Instagram advertising campaigns to generate new leads and customers quickly and affordably.


BONUS NO. 2: Advanced Strategies No. 2

The Lead Magnet and Webinar strategy discussed in the core Facebook Ads Insiders modules is extremely effective. However, you can boost that approach by incorporating the Tiered Advertising strategy. In this bonus module, I show how I use the Tiered Advertising strategy to make our Facebook ad campaigns more specific, targeted, and successful.


BONUS 3: Advanced Strategies

Do you want your Facebook advertising dollars to go as far as they possibly can? This advanced strategy bonus module demonstrates how I do so with my Omnichannel Marketing approach. Here, I outline the exact steps you must take to become a brand powerhouse in your industry. Nothing is more effective when compounded over time.


BONUS 4: Insiders on Instagram Ads

We ignored Instagram Ads 6 or 7 years ago, but not any longer. It has grown to be a HUGE part of Facebook advertising and is essential to success. In this module, I’ll show you how to add and evaluate Instagram as a placement option, customize creative for it, and make the most of this rapidly growing platform.


BONUS 5: Masterclass on Lead Magnets

A Lead Magnet is used in one of the strategies I discuss in depth in the Facebook Ads Insiders modules. Lead Magnets can be extremely effective Facebook Advertising tools, but you must know how to create something irresistible for your target market. In this bonus module, I show you exactly how to do that.


6th BONUS: Affiliate Corner

Don’t you have any products or services to sell? Not a problem! In this bonus module, I’ll show you how to find fantastic affiliate offers so you can sell other people’s products and services using Facebook Ads (and keep most of the profit). This method of Facebook advertising requires far less effort and can be just as profitable.

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