CFI - Full-Immersion

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10469 files in 194 folders (63.78 GB)
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01-3-Statement Modeling691.3 MB11/16/2023, 10:58:53 PM
02-5 Cs of Credit117.2 MB11/16/2023, 8:50:20 PM
03-Account Monitoring and Warning Signs135.6 MB11/16/2023, 8:50:05 PM
04-Accounting Fundamentals610.9 MB11/16/2023, 10:58:54 PM
05-Accounting Principles and Standards186.9 MB11/16/2023, 8:50:26 PM
06-Advanced Excel Formulas & Functions610.1 MB11/16/2023, 8:50:55 PM
07-Advanced Fixed Income192.4 MB11/16/2023, 10:58:56 PM
08-Advanced Futures & Forwards327.2 MB11/16/2023, 8:51:05 PM
09-Advanced Power BI991.1 MB11/16/2023, 8:51:04 PM
100-High-Yield Bonds, Subordinated Debt, and Loans376.9 MB11/16/2023, 8:50:54 PM
101-How to Read a Commercial Real Estate Appraisal226.0 MB11/16/2023, 10:58:57 PM
102-How to Read a Lease and Analyze a Rent Roll320.8 MB11/16/2023, 8:50:08 PM
103-Human Capital Management172.1 MB11/16/2023, 8:47:01 PM
104-Introduction to 3-Statement Modeling694.6 MB11/16/2023, 10:58:59 PM
105-Introduction to Agribusiness212.9 MB11/16/2023, 8:50:26 PM
106-Introduction to Banking169.8 MB11/16/2023, 8:50:08 PM
107-Introduction to Business Intelligence151.5 MB11/16/2023, 8:50:24 PM
108-Introduction to Business Valuation542.7 MB11/16/2023, 10:59:00 PM
109-Introduction to Capital Markets180.3 MB11/16/2023, 8:44:01 PM
10-Advanced Tableau - Data Model305.1 MB11/16/2023, 8:50:32 PM
110-Introduction to Climate Risk Management207.0 MB11/16/2023, 8:50:05 PM
111-Introduction to Cryptocurrency221.4 MB11/16/2023, 8:50:53 PM
112-Introduction to ESG237.3 MB11/16/2023, 10:59:02 PM
113-Introduction to FinTech133.4 MB11/16/2023, 8:50:00 PM
114-Introduction to InsurTech231.8 MB11/16/2023, 8:50:52 PM
115-Introduction to Risk Management225.3 MB11/16/2023, 8:50:24 PM
116-Leading High-Performing Teams281.9 MB11/16/2023, 8:50:24 PM
117-Leading with Emotional Intelligence and Self-Awareness658.7 MB11/16/2023, 10:59:04 PM
118-Lending to Complex Structures342.6 MB11/16/2023, 8:50:28 PM
119-Lending to Medical Professionals385.2 MB11/16/2023, 8:50:21 PM
11-Advanced Tableau - LOD Calculations433.0 MB11/16/2023, 8:51:00 PM
120-Leveraged Buyout (LBO) Modeling1.09 GB11/16/2023, 10:59:07 PM
121-Loan Covenants283.7 MB11/16/2023, 8:47:01 PM
122-Loan Default Prediction with Machine Learning809.3 MB11/16/2023, 9:59:37 AM
123-Loan Pricing290.9 MB11/16/2023, 10:59:17 PM
124-Loan Security144.9 MB11/16/2023, 10:59:16 PM
125-Macabacus Quick Start Guide307.4 MB11/16/2023, 10:59:15 PM
126-Mastering Client Discovery297.8 MB11/16/2023, 10:59:14 PM
127-Math for Finance Professionals354.8 MB11/16/2023, 10:59:13 PM
128-Mergers & Acquisitions (M&A) Modeling667.0 MB11/16/2023, 8:50:58 PM
129-Microsoft Word Tutorial - Business Documents272.5 MB11/16/2023, 10:22:37 AM
12-Agriculture Lending Fundamentals166.0 MB11/16/2023, 8:50:53 PM
130-Mining Financial Model & Valuation421.9 MB11/16/2023, 8:50:31 PM
131-Mint Your Own NFT38.8 MB11/13/2023, 8:27:42 PM
132-Modeling Risk with Monte Carlo Simulation335.9 MB11/16/2023, 10:25:43 AM
133-Modeling Taxes for Different Business Structures240.2 MB11/16/2023, 8:50:21 PM
134-Modular Model Building with Macabacus449.4 MB11/13/2023, 8:27:54 PM
135-Networking, Prospecting, & Converting Leads413.6 MB11/16/2023, 10:59:22 PM
136-Operational Modeling742.3 MB11/16/2023, 10:59:21 PM
137-Options Hedging and Trading Strategies114.2 MB11/16/2023, 8:50:06 PM
138-Origination Fundamentals - Debt Capital Markets Perspective417.5 MB11/13/2023, 8:28:18 PM
139-Pitch Deck Essentials for Lenders310.5 MB11/16/2023, 10:59:24 PM
13-Alternative Investments for Wealth Advisors232.4 MB11/16/2023, 8:48:37 PM
140-Portfolio Management for Retail Clients170.3 MB11/16/2023, 10:00:20 AM
141-Portfolio Management Fundamentals113.7 MB11/16/2023, 10:59:25 PM
142-Power BI Case Study – CFI Capital Partners303.8 MB11/13/2023, 8:28:33 PM
143-Power BI Financial Statements732.3 MB11/16/2023, 8:50:59 PM
144-Power BI Fundamentals808.9 MB11/13/2023, 8:28:54 PM
145-Power Pivot Fundamentals595.9 MB11/13/2023, 8:29:01 PM
146-Power Query Fundamentals597.1 MB11/16/2023, 10:37:42 AM
147-PowerPoint & Pitchbooks661.3 MB11/16/2023, 8:50:56 PM
148-Presentation of Financial Information153.2 MB11/16/2023, 8:51:05 PM
149-Pricing Options and Option Sensitivities264.7 MB11/16/2023, 10:59:29 PM
14-Analyzing Growth Drivers & Business Risks226.1 MB11/16/2023, 10:59:31 PM
150-Prime Services and Securities Lending181.8 MB11/16/2023, 10:59:32 PM
151-Private Banking329.4 MB11/16/2023, 10:59:33 PM
152-Problem Loans265.5 MB11/16/2023, 10:59:34 PM
153-Professional Ethics236.4 MB11/16/2023, 10:59:35 PM
154-Profitable Lead Generation303.8 MB11/16/2023, 10:59:35 PM
155-Python Fundamentals671.9 MB11/16/2023, 8:50:05 PM
156-Python Fundamentals Case Study168.7 MB11/16/2023, 8:49:58 PM
157-R Fundamentals568.9 MB11/16/2023, 8:51:00 PM
158-Reading Business Financial Information316.8 MB11/16/2023, 8:51:00 PM
159-Reading Financial Statements91.6 MB11/16/2023, 8:50:33 PM
15-Applied Fixed Income536.2 MB11/16/2023, 8:51:00 PM
160-Real Estate Financial Modeling499.0 MB11/13/2023, 8:30:26 PM
161-Real Estate Fundamentals260.9 MB11/16/2023, 8:50:01 PM
162-Refinitiv Workspace Fundamentals184.4 MB11/16/2023, 8:49:41 PM
163-Regression Analysis - Fundamentals & Practical Applications481.4 MB11/16/2023, 10:59:39 PM
164-Renewable Energy - Solar Financial Modeling372.2 MB11/16/2023, 10:59:40 PM
165-Repo (Repurchase Agreements)231.9 MB11/16/2023, 10:59:41 PM
166-Retail, Restaurant, & Franchise Lending305.8 MB11/16/2023, 8:50:10 PM
167-Risk Management and Insurance Planning494.7 MB11/16/2023, 8:50:28 PM
168-RockCrusher Rentals280.2 MB11/16/2023, 10:59:42 PM
169-Rocky Mountain Holdings Ltd. - Commercial Mortgage239.6 MB11/13/2023, 8:31:03 PM
16-Applied Technical Analysis for Equity Markets87.8 MB11/16/2023, 8:37:44 PM
170-Scenario & Sensitivity Analysis in Excel280.5 MB11/16/2023, 8:49:59 PM
171-Securitized Products260.6 MB11/16/2023, 10:59:43 PM
172-Short Duration Products443.2 MB11/16/2023, 8:50:06 PM
173-Spot Foreign Exchange199.3 MB11/16/2023, 8:50:53 PM
174-SQL Case Study - WOWI Sales Analysis214.7 MB11/16/2023, 8:50:21 PM
175-SQL Fundamentals776.4 MB11/16/2023, 10:59:45 PM
176-Startup - e-Commerce Financial Model & Valuation400.9 MB11/16/2023, 8:50:27 PM
177-Statistics Fundamentals303.8 MB11/16/2023, 8:49:56 PM
178-Structuring a Construction Loan161.6 MB11/16/2023, 8:50:10 PM
179-Swaps Fundamentals441.9 MB11/16/2023, 10:59:46 PM
17-Assessing Drivers of Business Growth192.0 MB11/16/2023, 8:50:09 PM
180-Syndicated Lending209.3 MB11/16/2023, 10:04:46 AM
181-Tableau Fundamentals764.6 MB11/16/2023, 10:28:18 AM
182-Tableau Fundamentals Case Study227.3 MB11/16/2023, 8:49:59 PM
183-Tableau Trading Dashboard492.6 MB11/16/2023, 10:59:48 PM
184-The Amazon Case Study (New Edition)1.10 GB11/16/2023, 8:51:00 PM
185-The Role of The FP&A Professional180.4 MB11/16/2023, 10:16:04 AM
186-Trade Finance270.6 MB11/16/2023, 8:50:28 PM
187-Trading Using Technical Analysis426.8 MB11/16/2023, 8:50:32 PM
188-Understanding Options109.7 MB11/16/2023, 10:59:49 PM
189-Venture Debt387.0 MB11/16/2023, 10:59:50 PM
18-Assessing Management144.5 MB11/16/2023, 10:59:51 PM
190-Vertical IQ Fundamentals223.7 MB11/16/2023, 8:49:40 PM
191-Widgets Inc. - Adjusting a Business Owner’s Net Worth180.8 MB11/16/2023, 8:44:03 PM
192-Woodchucks Ltd. - Owner Occupied Commercial Real Estate202.0 MB11/16/2023, 10:59:52 PM
193-Templates76.9 MB11/16/2023, 8:51:06 PM
19-Asset Classes and Financial Markets201.0 MB11/16/2023, 10:59:54 PM
20-Asset-Based Lending & Alternative Finance348.8 MB11/16/2023, 8:50:27 PM
21-Audit a Financial Model With Macabacus531.6 MB11/16/2023, 8:35:08 PM
22-Banking Products and Services329.9 MB11/16/2023, 8:51:01 PM
23-Bayesian Thinking271.4 MB11/16/2023, 10:59:55 PM
24-Behavioral Finance459.2 MB11/16/2023, 8:51:05 PM
25-Boss Brewing Inc. – Connecting Capital Structure & Credit Structure159.0 MB11/16/2023, 8:35:18 PM
26-Budgeting and Forecasting419.8 MB11/16/2023, 8:51:01 PM
27-Build a Presentation with Macabacus457.9 MB11/16/2023, 10:59:57 PM
28-Build Your Own InsurTech Pricer58.5 MB11/13/2023, 8:33:39 PM
29-Build Your Own Robo-Advisor71.2 MB11/13/2023, 8:33:40 PM
30-Capital IQ Fundamentals423.7 MB11/13/2023, 8:33:45 PM
31-Carbon Market Fundamentals176.4 MB11/16/2023, 8:50:00 PM
32-Careers in Commercial Banking139.0 MB11/16/2023, 8:49:57 PM
33-Careers in Financial Planning and Wealth Management163.9 MB11/16/2023, 10:59:58 PM
34-Cash Flow Cycles and Analysis188.1 MB11/16/2023, 8:50:06 PM
35-Cash-to-Accrual Accounting186.3 MB11/16/2023, 8:50:31 PM
36-Classification - Fundamentals & Practical Applications244.2 MB11/13/2023, 8:34:00 PM
37-Coaching for Workplace Performance298.9 MB11/16/2023, 8:49:58 PM
38-Commercial Banking - Debt Modeling421.4 MB11/13/2023, 8:34:09 PM
39-Commercial Mortgages356.7 MB11/16/2023, 11:00:01 PM
40-Commodities Fundamentals223.9 MB11/16/2023, 8:50:30 PM
41-Communicating & Leading with Influence634.0 MB11/16/2023, 8:50:31 PM
42-Comparable Valuation Analysis528.2 MB11/16/2023, 8:50:58 PM
43-Completing a Credit Application288.3 MB11/16/2023, 8:44:00 PM
44-Conducting a Materiality Assessment94.4 MB11/13/2023, 8:34:47 PM
45-Construction Finance Fundamentals176.3 MB11/16/2023, 11:00:03 PM
46-Construction Loan-in-Process118.9 MB11/16/2023, 8:50:08 PM
47-Convertible Bonds227.2 MB11/16/2023, 8:40:37 PM
48-Converting Leads to Customers - Negotiation & Closing329.1 MB11/16/2023, 8:50:19 PM
49-Corporate & Business Strategy389.6 MB11/16/2023, 8:51:03 PM
50-Corporate Finance Fundamentals207.0 MB11/16/2023, 8:50:31 PM
51-Corporate Governance290.1 MB11/16/2023, 8:50:23 PM
52-Credit Administration and Documentation127.4 MB11/16/2023, 8:47:02 PM
53-Credit Fixed Income296.4 MB11/16/2023, 8:50:29 PM
54-Cryptocurrency Intermediates- Altcoins, Stablecoins, CBDCs and NFTs210.0 MB11/16/2023, 8:50:32 PM
55-Cryptocurrency Intermediates- Bitcoin Explained232.8 MB11/16/2023, 11:00:05 PM
56-Cryptocurrency Intermediates- Understanding Ethereum277.9 MB11/16/2023, 8:50:20 PM
57-Dashboards & Data Visualization506.7 MB11/16/2023, 11:00:06 PM
58-Data Prep for Machine Learning in Python632.5 MB11/16/2023, 11:00:07 PM
59-Data Science & Machine Learning Fundamentals410.0 MB11/16/2023, 11:00:08 PM
60-DCF Valuation Modeling926.2 MB11/16/2023, 11:00:09 PM
61-Deconstructing Options108.8 MB11/16/2023, 8:42:16 PM
62-Derivatives Fundamentals201.0 MB11/16/2023, 8:50:07 PM
63-Developing ESG Policies96.0 MB11/16/2023, 8:44:04 PM
64-Economics for Capital Markets311.4 MB11/16/2023, 8:50:26 PM
65-Economics for Financial Advisors149.8 MB11/13/2023, 8:36:30 PM
66-Effective Business Writing472.1 MB11/16/2023, 8:50:29 PM
67-Effective Communication for Client Facing Advisors438.4 MB11/16/2023, 9:40:33 AM
68-Enterprise Deployment & Governance- Power BI Edition255.4 MB11/16/2023, 10:34:50 AM
69-Environmental Due Diligence for Credit291.2 MB11/16/2023, 8:50:23 PM
70-Equipment Finance347.3 MB11/16/2023, 8:50:21 PM
71-Equity Markets Fundamentals350.0 MB11/16/2023, 8:51:01 PM
72-Equity Trading Fundamentals (CFI X AmplifyME)116.6 MB11/16/2023, 8:48:36 PM
73-Equity, FX, and Rate Futures120.3 MB11/16/2023, 8:50:26 PM
74-ESG Disclosure123.4 MB11/13/2023, 8:37:18 PM
75-ESG for Commercial Lenders315.6 MB11/13/2023, 8:37:22 PM
76-ESG Fundamentals257.9 MB11/16/2023, 8:50:20 PM
77-ESG Integration & Financial Analysis686.8 MB11/16/2023, 11:00:14 PM
78-Evaluating a Business Plan205.6 MB11/16/2023, 11:00:13 PM
79-Excel Fundamentals - Formulas for Finance466.1 MB11/16/2023, 11:00:12 PM
80-Excel VBA for Finance887.4 MB11/16/2023, 10:35:42 AM
81-Financial Analysis for Credit517.5 MB11/16/2023, 8:50:54 PM
82-Financial Analysis Fundamentals492.6 MB11/16/2023, 8:50:57 PM
83-Financial Planning Principles415.0 MB11/16/2023, 8:40:54 PM
84-Fixed Income Fundamentals261.5 MB11/16/2023, 8:50:29 PM
85-Foreign Exchange - Deliverable Forwards212.8 MB11/16/2023, 8:50:28 PM
86-Foreign Exchange - Non-Deliverable Forwards139.6 MB11/16/2023, 8:49:41 PM
87-Foreign Exchange Fundamentals204.7 MB11/16/2023, 8:51:00 PM
88-Format a Financial Model with Macabacus464.4 MB11/13/2023, 8:38:39 PM
89-Forms of Business Structure225.7 MB11/16/2023, 8:50:07 PM
90-FP&A Monthly Cash Flow Forecast Model405.0 MB11/16/2023, 8:50:06 PM
91-Fundamentals of Credit226.4 MB11/16/2023, 8:50:21 PM
92-Fundamentals of Data Analysis in Excel712.6 MB11/13/2023, 8:38:59 PM
93-Fundamentals of Data Analysis in Excel - Case Study443.9 MB11/16/2023, 11:00:34 PM
94-Futures Pricing and Commodity Futures224.1 MB11/16/2023, 11:00:33 PM
95-Giving Effective Feedback531.1 MB11/16/2023, 11:00:32 PM
96-Graph Database Fundamentals404.4 MB11/16/2023, 11:00:31 PM
97-Greenhouse Gas Accounting175.4 MB11/16/2023, 11:00:30 PM
98-Having Difficult Conversations and Managing Conflict332.2 MB11/16/2023, 11:00:29 PM
99-Hedge Fund Fundamentals262.2 MB11/16/2023, 11:00:28 PM
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